
✪ Eertclootschrift.

Stevin, die eerst der zeeën vloed

En ’s aerdrijks omzwaei heeft bevroed

Some wonderful expressions used by Simon Stevin in his Wisconstige Gedachtenissen.

Eertclootschrift: geography
Eertclootschrijvers: geographers
Dwaeler: planet
Dwaelerloopen: orbits
Stofroersel: material sciences
Stofscheyders: alchemists
Spieghelaer: theoretician
tuychwercklick: mechanical
Sichteinder: horizon
Hemelloop: astronomy
Deursichtighe: optics
Gaslagher: observer
Lycksydicheyt: symmetry


✪ Suiseki or Penjing stones.

A collection of Suiseki or Penjing stones.

Suiseki are traditional Japanese viewing stones they also appear in China as tray-sized landscapes: Penjing which have a long tradition in Chinese scholarly art, dating from the Qin an Han Dynasties.
It's four aesthetic concepts:

  • gugao or aloofness
  • jianjie or sparseness
  • ya or refined elegance
  • pingdan or plainness
These stones would enable the scholar to mentally walk through a landscape using the stone on a desk as a lithic virtual reality. A way to travel without moving.